Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blessings through the names of the piouse

Names of the People of the Cave


1. Can anyone give us the names of the details of the Awliya who are mentioned in Sura Kahf & the significance of them?

wa `alaykum salam,
According to al-Tabari in his Tafsir, al-Naysaburi in his, and countless other commentaries the names of the Companions of the Cave were:
يمليخا ومكشلينيا ومشلينيا ومرنوس ودبرنوش وشادنوش وكفشططوش .  واسم كلبهم قطمير
The latter states: “These names are traditionally used for protection, travel, to find something, to extinguish fires (write them down and throw them into it), to soothe crying infants (under pillow), for tilling the soil (attach on plow), for fever and migraine headaches, when visiting sultans, to facilitate birth, attract/protect wealth or reputation…”
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (Allah sanctify his soul) wrote them down in a circular design which can be found on haqqanisoul.com and is also available for purchase in Lefke, Cyprus.
Hajj Gibril Haddad

Ashab al-Kahf
Names of the seven Sleepers of the Cave "and their dog was the eighth."(18:22) for protection from being chased, war, fire, drowning,... as related by Ibn `Abbas (r):
قال ابن عباس رضى الله عنهما خواص أهل الكهف تنفع فى تسعة أشياء /للطلب والهرب ولطفى الحريق تكتب على خرقة وترمى فى وسط النار تنطفىء بازن الله تعالى ولبكاء الطفل وللحمى المثلثة وللصداع تشد على العضد الأيمن ولأم الصبيان وللركوب فى البر والبحر ولنماء العقل ولحفظ المال ولنجاة الاثمين من حاشية الجمل على الجلالين
عبد القهار الدردير أحمد عبد المنعم عاشور
"Inna asma`a Aŝĥabil Kahf tanfa` fee tis`a ashyaa: at-talabi wal-harb wa litufaul-hareeq..." "Surely the Names of the People of the Cave benefit in nine things: being chased down, war and they will put out fire..."

Anbiya Handwritten by Shaykh Nazim
Names of 313 Anbiya Handwritten by Shaykh Nazim from a hadith of the Prophet (s), for protection of home and for baraka

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