I'l be honest here! i'm an extremely patient less and miser person when it comes to the concept of listening to sermons, it's just not my cup of tea in a metaphorical way . I'm a person who prefers the words i would have to digest be in text format rather than audible sound, because i prefer books over lectures (even in my academic education). But this ill trait of mine has an exception, I do listen to the sermons of a very few selected orators whom i find interesting and highly intellectually stimulating. This closed and small circle includes head first with Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Whose eloquence and veracity in diverging subjects is Mind blowing and the person i'm today is totally through his views and teachings (Mainly the influence of Imam Ghazali has upon my life). Secondly Dr. Umar Abdullah Farooq, again another extremely eloquent orator and simply an intellectual behemoth worth the time and consideration. He is beyond wordy explanation, there are very few people who could spiritually motivate you and Dr. Umar is one of them without a second though. Number Three! we have Shaykh Hakim Murad aka Tim Winter - he's a Brit, an academic and a Lecturer of Islamic Studies at Cambridge University Nuff Said. Finally in this short personal list of mine is Shaykh Ahmed Thaika Nasir Alim of Killakarai, member of an illustrious family whom are revered for their immense knowledge in Arabic, mastery of all Islamic Sciences, a household that has produced quality scholars in mass numbers. A Household filled with true Heirs of the Prophetic Knowledge, Shaykh Thaika Ahmed Nasir can be considered a gem from South Asian Islamic Scholarship. Being the progeny of the Great Mujaddid and Ashique Rasool Imam ul Aroos Mapilla Lebbe Alim and the very son of the great intellectual behemoth Shaykh Thaika Shuaib Alim whose thesis of Arwi Muslim history is commended in national academic levels. Shaykh Ahmed Nasir is a master in disciplines of social ethics and logic, he's inverse counter arguments proving Fiqhi points is simply jaw dropping that a person simply has to listen. I have learnt a fair share of people like Plato whom are famous to beat the opposition with their own arguments but Shaykh Ahmed Nasir Alim is a person you could see doing that in real life but in an extremely satisfying way and in the process putting Plato and Socrates to shame. This sort of fluency could only be achieved in the mastery of the Science Usul al-Fiqh, hands down it could be said that Shaykh Nasir with his illustrious ancestors are all Usuli Scientists.
In this illustrious yet short list of mine, i'm utterly surprised that Hafiz Ehsan has become one of them. His emphasis on the English Language is a unique one, compared to most non-western orators. His lack of irrelevant and redundant rhetoric in the interpreting of the texts is a subtle but efficient and impact filled method of keeping the listener intact to the discussed topic. He comes to the point with such precision that the arabic illiterate listener automatically grabs the essence of the discussed topic and its relevant textual reference. This above reference is not just a mere exaggeration of mine but a self evident truth in which many testify to the corroboration that is met with some of the highly spoken and controversial subjects of fiqh and aqeedah. The reason why i coin the term "Controversial subjects" is because of the irrelevant and intentional controversies that are cooked up by certain shady Scholars instilling confusions in matters of Deen among the majority of religiously illiterate and uninformed public. To achieve such momentum and success in dialectical scenarios is indeed quite the magnificent feat. After all knowledge has to be authentic, if it is falsifiable there is no use in it. Reason and logic without contradicting the texts and bringing out extraordinary heart melting message through the light of Quran and Hadith is something that Hafiz Ehsan does immensely well with the leave of Rabbul Alameen. Finally adding to this short post of mine - has a person who have met and spoken to Hazrath Ehsan Iqbal Qadiri i confidently say with Allah has my witness that he is a beautiful Human Being. A person who is true both on and off camera. I have met very few people who respects equally everybody from different walks of life irrespective of money, power and other worldly attributes. It is a delight and blessing to have known such great people in this insignificant life of mine. May Rabbul Alameen preserve all Scholars who work hard day and night to preserve this Deen from groups and scholars who propose concoction and heresy! Ameen!
ReplyDeleteWell said Omar Hassan...
Ameen Yaa Rabb !!! a very good post brother
ReplyDeleteHazrat apse kese bat hogi argent masla puch na tha