Friday, January 10, 2014

Did Imaam Ibn Kathir actually write a book on Mawlid?

Some misguided followers of Islam claim that the student of Ibn Thaymiya, Imaam Ibn Kathir didnt write a book on Mawlid, but guess they are wrong!!

Ibn Kathir's Book of Mawlid

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem
We are currently in the process of translating the book Dhikr Mawlid Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi was-salam wa Rida'atihi li ibn Kathir. Written by Shaikh ul-Islam 'Imaduddin Ibn Kathir, a follower of talmeez ash-Shaikh Taqi ad-Din Ibn Taymiyya.
The book consists of 31 pages. We obtained a copy from the Library of University of Princeton, between the many manuscripts there where it was kept in collection under number 4098. Collection 4098 has sixteen different important manuscripts, with "Dhikr Mawlid Rasulullah" being one of them.
That book was written by Ibn Kathir who is a vey well-known scholar from the Salafi school and who was a student of the main Imam and founder of the Salafi school Shaikh ul-Islam, Taqi ad-Din Ibn Taymiyya. When he died, Shaikh Ibn Kathir was buried beside his shaikh, Ibn Taymiyya in the Sufi cemetery in Damascus (al-maqbirat is-sufiyya fi Dimashq).

On the first page of the manuscript, Ibn Kathir says he wrote the book at the request of one of the muadhineen (adhan callers) in the mosque al-Muzaffari in Damascus, mosque of the Hanbalis, in the Salihiyya District --the mosque built by Muzaffar ad-Din Kawkaburi. It was known in Damascus as Jami'a al-Hanabila. At that time Ibn Khallikan, the historian, described the Mawlid of the Prophet (s) as a big celebration, which all scholars of the time used to take as a national holiday and a religious, holiday including Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Kathir. In that mosque was happening a big ceremony for the mawlid. Therefore the muadhins of that mosque, ash-Shaikh 'Imad ud-din Abi Bakr and the Shaikh Badruddin Hassan asked Ibn Kathir to write a book about the permissiblity of Mawlid in Islam.

Being a talmeez (follower) to his shaikh, Ibn Kathir felt it necessary to ask his shaikh's permission for writing such a book. He asked Shaikh Ibn Taymiyya, if he had permssion to write it. Shaikh Ibn Taymiyya gave him permission and encouraged him to do that. This manuscript tells us that Ibn Kathir and Ibn Taymiyya, the great scholars of Islam, were giving permission and authorizing reading of the remembrance of the Mawlid ash-sharif.

In order for the general public to understand, Ibn Kathir wrote it in a very easy language and he included in it what is good to be done in the remembrance of theMawlid of the Prophet (s), specifically the poetry, the seerah and what is to be said.
Ibn Kathir says in this book, on page 19:
    "The Night of the Prophet's (s) birth is a magnificent, noble, blessed and holy night, a night of bliss for the Believers, pure, radiant with lights and of immeasurable price."
--Shaikh Hisham Muhammad Kabbani

The booklet can be purchased in the following link 

The Mawlid The Blessed Birth Of The Prophet: Imam Ibn Kathir
[2g3 PB 52pp Pocket size Turath Publihing Bilal Patel Holy Messenger Mutafa Al Habib Muhammad (S)]

The Mawlid The Blessed Birth Of The Prophet: Imam Ibn Kathir
The Mawlid - The Blessed Birth Of The Prophet
Cover: Paperback

Author: ‘Imad ad-Din Abu’l-Fida Isma'il ibn Kat

Publisher: Turath Publishing

Pages: 52

Size: 11 x 15.5 cm

This book, which is a lesser known work of Imam Ibn Kathir, seeks to present the circumstances surrounding Quraysh and ‘Abd al-Muttalib, the grandfather of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), some of the premonitory dreams and oracular announcements of his coming, and the birth itself and early years of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), some of his outstanding merits and noble qualities of character, and traditions relating to his high position as the Chosen One (Mustafa) and Beloved (habib) of Allah and Seal of the Messengers of Allah. The author’s careful choice of traditions and his sifting the original material from the earliest sources is here reinforced by the modern editors of the text and their judicious checking and assessment of the traditions cited.

Ibn Kathir

About Hafiz Ibn KathirHe was Emaad Ed-Deen Isma'eel Ibn 'Umar Ibn ibn Katheer , originally from Busra (Syria) – and raised in Damascus. He followed the Shafi`ee school of thought. Ibn Kathir was born in the year 700 AH or little later in an area called Majdal, near Busra, west of Damascus. His father died when he was only four years old and was taken in by his brother and moved to Damascus in 706. Here, he learned from great scholars such as Ibn Asakir, Ishaq ibn Yahya al-Amudi and the great Ibn Taymiyyah who was extremely close to him. He also studied under various other sheikhs who gave him permission in fiqh and Hadith. He made many academic contributions to Islamic sciences.
 He made many academic contributions to Islamic sciences. The following are amongst his most prominent:
Tafseer of the Qur’an,  Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah: a history of Muslims from Adam until Ibn Kathir’s time,  At-Takmeel: a book on the science of Asmaaul Rijal (profiles of transmitters of Hadith), Jami`ul Masaneed: a book that collects the Hadith from ten major books of Hadith, , The classes of Shafi`ee scholars: a list of scholars following the Imam, Extraction of the traditions of Tanbeeh (a Shafi`ee book of jurisprudence), The commentary on al-Bukhari (which he did not finish),  The book of laws (again, he did not complete it), The summary to the science of Hadith; a synopsis to the introduction of Ibn Saah’s work, Extraction of the traditions to the summary of Ibn Hajib, Musnad of the two sheikhs (Abu Bakr and Umar), Biography of the Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, The epistle of Jihad. 

Al-Hafiz Ibn hajar Al-Asqalani said,”Ibn Kathir lost his sight just before his life ended. He died in Damascus in 774A.H. May Allah grant him Mercy and make him amongst the residents of Jannah (Heavenly Garden) .         For a Detailed Biography please Click Here
Al-Hafiz Ibn hajar Al-Asqalani said,”Ibn Kathir lost his sight just before his life ended. He died in Damascus in 774A.H. May Allah grant him Mercy and make him amongst the residents of Jannah (Heavenly Garden) . For a Detailed Biography please visit the web page.




Lame excuses of the Salafis



Did Ibn Katheer Author a Book Endorsing the Mawlid?

From ‘al-Qawal al-fasl fee al-Ihtifaal bi Mawlid Khayr al-Rusul’ (pg. 110+) of Shaykh Ismaa’eel al-Ansaaree: As for the claim of the author of the letter published in the magazine ‘al-Mujtama’ (no.559), while listing the authors who considered the celebration of the Mawlid to be permissible and their works (concerning this), that the author of ‘Kashf al-Dhunoon fee Usaamee al-Kutub wa al-Funoon’ mentioned on page 319 that al-Haafidh ibn Katheer authored a number of treatise concerning the noble Mawlid. From amongst them: ‘Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid al-Nabiyy al-Mukhtaar’ in three volumes, ‘al-Lafdh al-Raa’iq fee Mawlid Khayr al-Khalaa’iq’ and it is succinct. And his claim that ibn Fahd mentioned that ibn Katheer authored a book which he entitled, ‘Mawrid as-Saadee fee Mawlid al-Haadee.’ And his saying that al-Haafidh as-Sakhaawee had a book concerning the Mawlid entitled, ‘at-Tibr al-Masbook fee Dhail as-Sulook’ – then all of this is a grievous error having no basis for being correct. As for ‘Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid al-Nabiyy al-Mukhtaar’ then we looked up ‘Kashf al-Dhunoon’ to ascertain the truth of his words and we found it under the letter ‘jeem’ (pg.533) and the text is, ‘Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid an-Nabiyy al-Mukhtaar of Shams ad-Deen Muhammad bin Naasir ad-Deen ad-Dimishqee, died in the year 842, being in three volumes commencing with the words, "all praise is due to Allaah Who displayed Muhammad as the most purest of the Universe…"
And we found under the letter ‘laam’ page 1559 the words, ‘al-Lafdh al-Raa’iq fee Mawlid Khayr al-Khalaa’iq’ a short booklet by al-Haafidh Shams ad-Deen Muhammad bin Naasir ad-Deen ad-Damishqee who died in the year 842.’
And we found under the letter ‘meem’ page. 1910 the words, ‘al-Haafidh as-Sakhaawee mentioned in his ‘Daw al-Laami’ a group who wrote concerning the Mawlid of the Prophet (SAW) from amongst them al-Haafidh… ibn Naasir ad-Deen ad-Damishqee who authored in this regards ‘Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid an-Nabiyy al-Mukhtaar’ in three volumes and a booklet ‘al-Lafdh al-Raa’iq fee Mawlid Khayr al-Khalaa’iq’ and it is shorter than the one mentioned before it…’
As for ‘Mawrid as-Saadee fee Mawlid al-Haadee’ then the claim of the author of that article that ibn Fahd attributed it to ibn Katheer is without basis for ibn Fahd said in ‘Lahdh al-Alhaadh bi Dhail Tabaqaat al-Huffaadh’ (pg. 320-321) under the biography of ibn Naasir ad-Deen ad-Damishqee, ‘he authored, and some of them concerned the Mawlid of the Prophet (SAW) and it is ‘Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid al-Mukhtaar’ in three volumes, and ‘Tawdeeh al-Mushtabah’… and ‘Mawrid as-Saadee fee Mawlid al-Haadee’…..’ And this which is mentioned by ibn Fahd is declared with certainty by as-Sakhaawee and ash-Shawkaanee…. So it becomes clear with all of this that the claims of the author of that article published in ‘al-Mujtama’ magazine has no basis.
Then what ibn Katheer mentions in the section on the Prophetic biography in his ‘Bidaayah wan Nihaayah’, and in his lengthy ‘Seerah’ and in the sections of ‘Ikhtisaar Seerah ar-Rasool’, and in his stand alone treatise on the Mawlid published with the tahqeeq of Salaah ad-Deen al-Manjad, and in his revision to the Mawlid of his shaykh Kamaal ad-Deen Abee Ma’aalee Muhammad bin Alee al-Ansaaree contained in the section detailing ‘Dalaa’il an-Nubuwwah’ in his ‘Bidaayah wan Nihaayah’ – he does not present anything in these concerning the celebration of the Mawlid of the Prophet (SAW) and neither of the evil practices that have occurred amongst the later generations with respect to the Mawlid. Therefore as long as the matter is like this then we cannot accept the claim of the author of that article. [fn: and what Muhammad bin Alawee al-Maalikee vainly thinks in his work ‘al-Ihtifaal bi Mawlid an-Nabawiyy ash-Shareef’ (pg. 38) that the ‘Mawlid’ of al-Haafidh ibn Katheer is from those works that present celebrating the Mawlid of the Prophet is not correct.]
As for the saying of the author of that aricle that as-Sakhaawee authored a book about the Mawlid entitled ‘at-Tibr al-Masbook fee Dhail al-Sulook’ then this is also incorrect… as-Sakhaawee said in his autobiography contained in ‘Daw al-Laami li A’yaan al-Qarn at-Taasi’ (8/17) while listing his works, ‘and ‘at-Tibr al-Masbook fee Dhail alaa Taareekh al-Maqreezee as-Sulook’ containing the events and deaths (of scholars) since the year 45 to this day in 4 volumes’ so this is what as-Sakhaawee himself clarifies and it is clear that the subject matter of the book is not the Mawlid even though it may contain things connected to the Mawlid.


  1. From al-Qawal al-fasl fee al-Ihtifaal bi Mawlid Khayr al-Rusul (pg. 110+) of Shaykh Ismaaeel al-Ansaaree:

    As for the claim of the author of the letter published in the magazine al-Mujtama (no.559), while listing the authors who considered the celebration of the Mawlid to be permissible and their works (concerning this), that the author of Kashf al-Dhunoon fee Usaamee al-Kutub wa al-Funoon mentioned on page 319 that al-Haafidh ibn Katheer authored a number of treatise concerning the noble Mawlid. From amongst them: Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid al-Nabiyy al-Mukhtaar in three volumes, al-Lafdh al-Raaiq fee Mawlid Khayr al-Khalaaiq and it is succinct. And his claim that ibn Fahd mentioned that ibn Katheer authored a book which he entitled, Mawrid as-Saadee fee Mawlid al-Haadee. And his saying that al-Haafidh as-Sakhaawee had a book concerning the Mawlid entitled, at-Tibr al-Masbook fee Dhail as-Sulook then all of this is a grievous error having no basis for being correct.

    As for Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid al-Nabiyy al-Mukhtaar then we looked up Kashf al-Dhunoon to ascertain the truth of his words and we found it under the letter jeem (pg.533) and the text is, Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid an-Nabiyy al-Mukhtaar of Shams ad-Deen Muhammad bin Naasir ad-Deen ad-Dimishqee, died in the year 842, being in three volumes commencing with the words, "all praise is due to Allaah Who displayed Muhammad as the most purest of the Universe"

    And we found under the letter laam page 1559 the words, al-Lafdh al-Raaiq fee Mawlid Khayr al-Khalaaiq a short booklet by al-Haafidh Shams ad-Deen Muhammad bin Naasir ad-Deen ad-Damishqee who died in the year 842.

    And we found under the letter meem page. 1910 the words, al-Haafidh as-Sakhaawee mentioned in his Daw al-Laami a group who wrote concerning the Mawlid of the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) from amongst them al-Haafidh ibn Naasir ad-Deen ad-Damishqee who authored in this regards Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid an-Nabiyy al-Mukhtaar in three volumes and a booklet al-Lafdh al-Raaiq fee Mawlid Khayr al-Khalaaiq and it is shorter than the one mentioned before it

  2. As for Mawrid as-Saadee fee Mawlid al-Haadee then the claim of the author of that article that ibn Fahd attributed it to ibn Katheer is without basis for ibn Fahd said in Lahdh al-Alhaadh bi Dhail Tabaqaat al-Huffaadh (pg. 320-321) under the biography of ibn Naasir ad-Deen ad-Damishqee, he authored, and some of them concerned the Mawlid of the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) and it is Jaami al-Aathaar fee Mawlid al-Mukhtaar in three volumes, and Tawdeeh al-Mushtabah and Mawrid as-Saadee fee Mawlid al-Haadee..

    And this which is mentioned by ibn Fahd is declared with certainty by as-Sakhaawee and ash-Shawkaanee.

    So it becomes clear with all of this that the claims of the author of that article published in al-Mujtama magazine has no basis.

    Then what ibn Katheer mentions in the section on the Prophetic biography in his Bidaayah wan Nihaayah, and in his lengthy Seerah and in the sections of Ikhtisaar Seerah ar-Rasool, and in his stand alone treatise on the Mawlid published with the tahqeeq of Salaah ad-Deen al-Manjad, and in his revision to the Mawlid of his shaykh Kamaal ad-Deen Abee Maaalee Muhammad bin Alee al-Ansaaree contained in the section detailing Dalaail an-Nubuwwah in his Bidaayah wan Nihaayah he does not present anything in these concerning the celebration of the Mawlid of the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) and neither of the evil practices that have occurred amongst the later generations with respect to the Mawlid. Therefore as long as the matter is like this then we cannot accept the claim of the author of that article.

    [Note: and what Muhammad bin Alawee al-Maalikee vainly thinks in his work al-Ihtifaal bi Mawlid an-Nabawiyy ash-Shareef (pg. 38) that the Mawlid of al-Haafidh ibn Katheer is from those works that present celebrating the Mawlid of the Prophet is not correct.]

    As for the saying of the author of that aricle that as-Sakhaawee authored a book about the Mawlid entitled at-Tibr al-Masbook fee Dhail al-Sulook then this is also incorrect as-Sakhaawee said in his autobiography contained in Daw al-Laami li Ayaan al-Qarn at-Taasi (8/17) while listing his works, and at-Tibr al-Masbook fee Dhail alaa Taareekh al-Maqreezee as-Sulook containing the events and deaths (of scholars) since the year 45 to this day in 4 volumes so this is what as-Sakhaawee himself clarifies and it is clear that the subject matter of the book is not the Mawlid even though it may contain things connected to the Mawlid.

  3. He didn't provide evidence there but his fans uploaded a video of 25 verses of quran that forbids waseela. Here it is that video link.
