Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mufthi Ismail Menks justification on Prophet having jealousy, hatred, envy in his heart

Mufthi Ismail Menks justification on Prophet having jealousy, hatred, envy in his heart

From: Mufti Menk <muftimenk@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 21:04:13 +0200
Subject: Cleansing the Blessed Heart

Dear Mufti Menk
On Radio Al Ansaar you said the Prophet pbuhs heart was washed with Zamzam & cleansed at childhood of qualities such as jealousy, hatred, deception, pride, anger etc.
Surely this is a blasphemous statement.
Please clarify yourself.
Assalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
Beloved Brother
Shukran for your mail.
Rasulullah peace be upon him is pure of all evil qualities.
Rasulullah peace be upon him is the best of creation.
Rasulullah peace be upon him did not have qualities of jealousy, hatred, deception, pride, anger for the wrong reasons etc.
There is no debate on this issue.
The issue at hand is the washing of the heart of Rasulullah peace be upon him during his childhood whilst he was still at an age where none of the said qualities would affect ordinary children yet. We term ordinary children ma'soom or innocent child.
At that age the angel Jibreel Alayhis salaam came and cut open the chest of Rasulullah peace be upon him and took out his heart.
He then washed the heart with Zamzam and removed a black clot from it.
He then cast this clot and said, "This is the portion of the devil from you."
This Hadeeth appears in more than 170 different Hadeeth books including Bukhari & Muslim.
The scholars of Hadeeth explain that at this stage all the qualities that shaytaan later develops in ordinary human beings were removed and so they never developed at all in Rasulullah peace be upon him.
The shaytaan that each one of us has, who usually deviates us, accepted Islam and surrendered.
The incident of the washing of the blessed heart is well known with the wording exactly as I said.
Hence he was cleansed before any of those qualities could ever affect him by the removal of the "share of the devil" that he said the angels removed from him.
Some people believe that this cleansing was done well before he was created or born. The authentic evidence of such is not available. The conclusion of both parties is the same, "Nabi Muhammad peace be upon him did not have any bad qualities."
The difference is when this happened and the meaning of the term used by Nabi Muhammad peace be upon him "this is the portion of the devil from you."
Almost all scholars of Hadeeth agree that "share of the devil" or "portion of the devil" refers to whatever shaytaan later develops through whispering or any other way was all totally wiped out before Shaytaan could ever get to doing anything negative. So Nabi Muhammad peace be upon him was totally protected by Allah Almighty's Power.
I do not believe that there is any reason to insult those who hold a view based on authentic abundant Ahaadeeth when the conclusion is one & the same.
May the Almighty Allah grant us the intercession of Nabi Muhammad peace be upon him on Qiyaamah.
I respect those who differ with evidence and must state that what I have said is the view of the majority of those who have recorded Seerah or Hadeeth.
Wassalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
Ismail Musa Menk 
Harare, Zimbabwe

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