Hafiz Ehsan Qadiri sends a message to Jamiat ul Ulama on the attack by Unidentified group on Faqeer Sahib Dharga, Dehiwala,Colombo.

Hafiz Ehsan Qadiri sends a message to Jamiat ul Ulama at the Jumuah regarding the vandalism done by an unidentified group during Jumuah time which took place at the Shaykh Faqeer Sahib Waliyullah maqam at Dehiwala Grand Mosque.
If this behavior keeps continuing, it will be an extreme threat to all the Sacred places in Sri Lanka
Thus we request Jamiat ul Ulama to give the proper definition of Shirk and Bid'ah which will clear the misconceptions of common people created by the Wahabis/Salafis
for the complete Video