Friday, December 6, 2013

Why should we be away from Bilal Philips?


2.Bilal Philips banned in GERMANY

Another news item

Taken from

“Philips is entitled to appeal the expulsion order, according to police officials, but only from abroad. An arrest warrant is ready in case he does not leave Germany before the expulsion deadline.”

What Bilal Philips’s excuse on this?
His media has shown some footage of 17 people embracing Islam but as seen above the ban was not regarding people embracing Islam but his comments issues there

3.Bilal Philips banned in UK

4.Bilal Philips banned in AUSTRALIA

Taken from

“Sheik Bilal Philips, who has been linked to the 1993 World Trade Centre bombings in New York, was refused a visa at the last moment by Department of Immigration officials, sources told the Herald Sun.”

The US Government named him as an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the 1993 bombings that killed six people and injured 1000. He was deported from the US in 2004.

5. Bilal Philips Banned in Kenya

Taken from

6. Bilal Philips as a suspect Terrorist

The US Government has named him an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing in New York City, and he was deported from the US in 2004.


Taken from


8.Dogging off from Debates


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Advise on Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

Advise on Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

© Assunnah Trust Sri Lanka  2013
Advise on Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

As we know the general understanding of anyone who preaches something out of the folds of Islam will cause something false! Precisely Islam is very subjective, since everyone claims to be following Islam under various brand names, therefore the benchmark here is to analyze it through the Aqeedha of the Ahlususnath wal Jama & the others ( Ahlususnath wal Jama teachings are the ones which have been preserved for the last 1400 years & other innovations are simply innovations in Islam which is today preached under the name of Islam!!)

Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips has been among the most contrevertial public figures of today. In which their approach towards Islam believes in nothing but EXTREAMISM! If such people are brought into our country or promoted indeed it would not just divide the Muslims further but also have disagreements with many other faiths.

We would like to present a series of well researched & well referenced facts to allow Bilal Philips to clear out such issues for the safety of all the Muslims.

Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips in a snap shot

· Banned in the UK

·   Banned in Australia

·   Banned in Germany

·   Banned in Kenya

·   Deported from the USA as a terrorist suspect

·   His students also have proven to be terrorists.

·   There are Universities who do not accept their books, and have rejected them from their Libraries

·   His Books are banned because of their serious harshness in spreading Extremisms amongst Muslims

·   His believes are against the Principals of Ahlussunath wal Jama

·   Famous in attacking Scholars worldwide

·   Famous in attacking Sufis who spread Islam with love & peace

·   He does online BA degrees in Islamic studies at his own Online Islamic University because he is not granted access to some countries& even if he’s granted he is not allowed to do any kind of religious preaching

Now let us go one by one

1.  Even Google knows about him

just type "Bilal Philips Banned in" and you will see the Google search results!!

Also his terrorism activities apeared in National newspapers